Tuesday, September 13, 2005

promises, promises

I have not been living up to this goal lately. I have promised my son that I would do a few things for him, but I have not done those things yet. Some reasons for this have to do with the way that he acts sometimes. We all know how kids can be.

Other reasons have to do with the fact that I spend entirely too much time on the computer. He said something to me the other night that made me think about it a lot. I had promised him that I would setup the XBox now that we have our new carpet installed. I did not get to it that night and he asked me about it again when it was time for him to go to bed.

I told him that I would not be setting it up that night, but I would get to it. As I was headed down to the computer room, he asked me what was more important “him or the computer”.

Today, my plans are to go home, change out of my work clothes, grab a football, and toss it around with him for a while.


Barbara said...

Did you make it to play with him?

Hey, I don't have children at home, and 'someone' asked me if I stayed on the computer all the time? No, I don't, but,then I have only myself and husband to answer to. :) I didn't have a computer when my children were growing up. In fact, they were out of the house, before we bought one.

Kerry said...

I bet you have several grandkids don't you? Do you spend a lot of time on the computer when they are around? :)

Erin said...

It's just great that you have the kind of communication with each other to pick this up along the way... and not when he's 30 and bitter.