Sunday, September 04, 2005

What the ...

OK... let me get this straight. Mayor Nolin is standing in front of the camera in New Orleans yelling, screaming, and cursing the federal government about no action, yet he has several hundred buses sitting in a flooded area that could have been used to get people out of the area? Where were these buses Tuesday morning? The A.P. has published a photo of this.

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Barbara said...

These buses could have saved lots of people in New Orleans. Yet, he waited for the government to come and do his job for him! Now, he has no city of which to be mayor now. Wonder what job he will take up next?

Anonymous said...

New Orleans, hurricane katrina
These buses--were they operable after the levees broke on Tuesday? The city thought it escaped the storm and it's my understanding that the real problems were caused by the flooding. I'm just wondering if the buses could have gotten people out of town once the flooding began?